0001 - Course Objectives

In this online course, we'll take a quick tour of ARES Commander and see how it compares to AutoCAD or other similar programs.

To do this, we will show the graphical interface and explain the different components it contains, such as the ribbon, the tool palettes, and various workspaces.

We will also take the opportunity to learn about the similarities between the programs when it comes to drawing or modifying DWG files.

This course assumes that the student has a basic knowledge of CAD programs such as AutoCAD. In other words, this course is not intended to teach drawing in 2D or 3D; but rather it focuses on showing the most significant tools of ARES Commander that a user of AutoCAD or a similar program could easily recognize. Students will see some references to commands for creating and editing drawings, which are included to explain some important points but do not focus on the details.

Minimum knowledge required to take this course

Before starting, the student should have:

  • Basic knowledge of a CAD program such as AutoCAD.
  • An active license of ARES Commander, or the 30-day trial version, to be able to carry out the practice exercises. Remember that if you have an active ARES Trinity license, it includes ARES Commander.

If you have questions about how to download, install, or set up our programs or trials, you should see this user guide first:

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