1000 - Topics

As an online drawing evolves, updates are generated, and with them come new versions, which are automatically saved in a history. This is very important, especially when sharing a drawing with other people.

Imagine that a user wants to know what has changed between the current version of the drawing and a previous one. The truth is that the user can find out easily, since we have tools to compare versions. We can also promote a previous version so that it becomes the current version. Can you imagine the power that this gives to those responsible for the project?

In this module, you will learn how to:

  • Use the Version History tool to see which users have made changes, and when.
  • Compare versions of a drawing to visually identify the differences.
  • Differentiate between the selected version and the current version.
  • Promote a version — that is, make the version that best suits your needs into the main one.
  • Delete a version of the drawing forever.

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