0900 - Topics

ARES Kudo enables users to compare two DWG drawings, in order to identify their differences. This tool is invaluable for collaborative projects involving external collaborators. It ensures accurate alignment between versions, and preserves essential annotations and comments during comparisons.

Although ARES Kudo works with drawings in the cloud that can be shared with other people, thereby allowing everyone to work with the same drawing, in some cases the need to study design variants may arise. This makes it necessary to duplicate the existing drawing, and then the two variants will end up taking different paths, such that it might be necessary to compare them at some point. It could also happen that someone is working with a version of the drawing saved on their desktop for some reason; perhaps they are using ARES Commander or another CAD program, and do not have or cannot access the Internet. In that case, at some point there will be a difference between the two drawings, but thanks to the Drawing Compare function, an ARES Kudo user can discover those differences. 

In fact, as we will see in the next module, we can also make one version of the drawing become part of the version history of the other, thus combining the Drawing Compare function with the Version History function. Ultimately, ARES Kudo's Drawing Compare feature revolutionizes collaborative design work by ensuring version consistency and facilitating detailed comparisons, while protecting vital annotations and comments.

In this module, you will learn about:

  • Cloud-based comparisons: Upload DWG drawings to the cloud to sync and compare.
  • Visual differentiation: Customize colors to distinguish identical, master drawing, and customer-specific items.
  • Revision clouds: Add or disable revision clouds to emphasize changed areas.
  • History log: Save the comparisons as a new drawing with a DWG extension to maintain the history of changes.
  • Clone a drawing: Make changes, then see the differences between the two versions.
  • Version management: Seamlessly integrate with Version History to add new drawings and retain previous versions, comments, and markups. With the reversion option, you can easily go back to previous versions if necessary.

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