0500 - Topics

When we work in the cloud, a huge range of possibilities opens up to work with collaborators as a team, or obtain client approvals, or share projects between teachers and students. There are many reasons why we may need to share access to a drawing that we have hosted in the cloud. The previous module focused on creating and using view-only links, which may cover most of your needs. However, there are other ways to share your drawing with third parties. By granting viewer or editor access, you can share the drawing with others, while controlling who can make changes to it.

You may already be familiar with Google Docs or Google Drive tools for sharing documents online or giving third parties access to directories. In ARES Kudo, the process is similar, as we will learn in this module.

In this module you will learn:

  • How to share a drawing saved in the cloud; creating user profiles with editing or viewing rights through ARES Kudo.
  • How to modify the role of a user, as well as how to revoke file access.
Note: In our ARES Trinity online course, you will also learn how to do these tasks from ARES Commander and ARES Touch.

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